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 Featured Recipe:  Lemon Pie

Republished from Timeless Truth Publications (www.timelesstruths.org) from Foundation Truth Number 11,  under creative commons license.

Heat in double boiler:

  • 1 c. water
  • 1 c. lemon juice

In a small mixing bowl combine:

  • 1 c. sugar + 2 T.
  • 1/2 c. cornstarch
  • pinch of salt

Mix well and add:

  • large egg yolks
  • 1/2 c. water

Whisk all lumps out and pour into hot mixture.

Stir until dissolved and until thickened and smooth.

Remove from heat and add:

  • 2 t. butter
  • 1 t. grated lemon rind (opt.)

Cool, stirring often to keep smooth, until only just warm.

Pour in baked and cooled pie crust and top with meringue.

Variation: If your family prefers it less tart, reduce juice to 3/4 cup and increase water to 1 1/4 cup.

Before slicing a meringue-covered pie, take the knife and slice through margarine.